About Status RTO

National Provider Code: 40074

Status is a registered training organisation (RTO). To become registered we must meet the requirements of the VET Quality Framework. To be an RTO we must be audited and evaluated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority. This ensures our training is quality assured and meets the needs of industry. As an RTO, Status delivers vocational education and training that is recognised across Australia by industry and many other educational institutions. For more information on our scope of registration go to training.gov.au

Status has an approved Skills Agreement in place with the Government of South Australia. Through this initiative Status delivers qualifications to meet South Australian skills priorities. Status can provide training and assessment services from any of the 10 Status sites across the Adelaide Metropolitan area.

The Western Australian Government offers funding to eligible individuals looking to study in priority areas that are, or will be, in high demand. With a focus on training for employment, selected Status training programs are available to eligible individuals at significantly reduced costs. Status will work directly with the Western Australian Government to apply for funding, so you can focus on your training. Further information about subsidised training can be found at jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/skillsready.