Good News Stories

Brendon Is On The Road!

Uploaded: 13/06/2024
Brendon joined our Workforce Australia Transition to Work program in March 2023, having recently moved from Bunbury to Midland. Eager to make positive changes, he quickly enrolled in the Work Development Program (WDP) where we were able to support him to reduce some of his outstanding fines through his participation in Transition to Work appointments. He also jumped at the chance to improve his employment prospects by signing up for training to obtain his Forklift Licence.

Continuing on his journey of self-motivated change, when Brendon found himself moving homes again he transitioned to working with our office at Morley and his first request was for assistance in addressing his remaining outstanding fines so that he could focus on getting his Driver's Licence. With support from his Status Link Worker, Rebecca, and Youth Peer Mentor, Sheree, Brendon attended the Aboriginal Justice Open Day in Rivervale. There, he progressed both of his goals, setting up a Time-to-Pay arrangement with Fines Enforcement before successfully attempting the Road Rules Theory test with the Department of Transport (DOT) and receiving his Learners Permit!

Brendon's journey serves as an inspiration to others facing challenges, and he hopes to encourage fellow young adults to persevere and achieve their goals. We are incredibly proud of Brendon's commitment to overcoming barriers and can't wait to continue celebrating his ongoing successes.

Attitude Is A Little Thing That Makes A Big Difference

Uploaded: 06/06/2024
Trinity has come such a long way since joining Status Clarkson. After facing challenges that made school attendance difficult Trinity joined our Workforce Australia Transition to Work program where she has enthusiastically committed to study, and is now looking into University!

In her first sessions with her Link Worker, Charlotte, Trinity discussed the anxiety she struggled with while attending school, as well as other barriers she was facing including financial constraints, transportation difficulties and limited employment history. From her first appointment Trinity has been open to trying out other study options, and with the unwavering support from Charlotte is proving that 'Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference'.

Trinity is now on the verge of completing her Certificate III in Early Childhood Education, while also working in a casual retail role. Inspired by discussions with her Youth Peer Mentor. Trinity is now also enrolled in a University preparation course with ECU, with plans to pursue her Bachelor in Music Studies.

In the background Trinity has also been working to overcome her transport difficulties, attending one of our Department of Transport (DOT) Days where we were able to support her to obtain her Learners permit and is now on the way to earning her provisional licence.

Trinity’s journey is of perseverance. We're immensely proud of her achievements and excited to see her continue to thrive!

Congratulations Juan On Obtaining Your Learner's Perm

Uploaded: 22/03/2024
With a little support from the Workforce Australia Transition to Work team at Status Morley, Juan is ready to hit the roads with his Learners Permit!

Moving to Australia and mastering English as a second language, Juan aspired to get his driver’s licence. While developing his English skills in the AMEP program at North Metro TAFE, Juan received invaluable support from the Transition to Work team, especially from Youth Peer Mentor Sheree.

Sheree equipped Juan with a copy of the Drive Safe Handbook, and encouraged him to tackle the Road Rules Theory Test Quiz on the Department of Transport website. Juan worked determinedly towards his goal, reviewing his progress with Sheree at their regular appointments to track his progress.

In February, Juan and Sheree determined that he was ready to attempt his Learners test. Sheree advised Juan to attend an upcoming Aboriginal Justice Open Day hosted by the Department of Justice, where he could meet with a representative from the Department of Transport to undertake the test. At the event, Juan aced the test and walked away with his new Learners Permit!

Juan, we wish you luck as you hit the road on your driving journey, and the team at Status Morley are cheering you on every step of the way! Here’s to many safe and memorable adventures on the road ahead!

Kati’s Triumph In The Face Of Adversity

Uploaded: 08/03/2024
''You better not leave out the part where you helped!! Couldn’t have done it without ya.''

Kati's journey with the Workforce Australia Transition to Work (TtW) program is an inspiring tale of perseverance and achievement. From overcoming obstacles to seizing opportunities, she exemplifies the program's impact in empowering young individuals on their path to employment success.
Starting the TtW program concurrently with her Tattoo Apprenticeship, Kati faced the challenge of juggling multiple responsibilities. Determined to expand her horizons, she collaborated closely with Youth Peer Mentor, Nick, to identify and pursue her goals. Recognising the importance of mobility in today's job market, Kati set her first goal to obtain her driver’s license—a crucial step towards enhancing her employment prospects.

Kati embraced the opportunity to participate in driving lessons provided by the TtW program. These sessions, held at her local Status office, equipped her with the necessary skills and confidence to tackle the Practical Driving Assessment and Hazard Perception Test. Additionally, Kati independently dedicated herself to studying for her Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate, recognising its value in opening doors to various job opportunities.
However, the road to success was not without its bumps. During her initial driving assessment, Kati encountered unexpected challenges that threatened to derail her progress. Despite this setback, her resolve remained unshaken. With Nick's unwavering support and encouragement, Kati swiftly regrouped, rebooked her assessment, and emerged triumphant in her subsequent attempt—an achievement fuelled by her determination and resilience.

As Kati's journey continued, she faced a pivotal moment when her tattoo apprenticeship unexpectedly came to an end. Leveraging her newly obtained licenses and prior work experience, Nick guided Kati in exploring alternative career pathways. Together, they embarked on a proactive job search, tapping into Status’ extensive network of industry specialists and employers. Through this collaborative effort, Kati received not one, but two job offers—a testament to her dedication and the support provided by the TtW program.
Opting to pursue work trials at both establishments, Kati meticulously evaluated her options before ultimately accepting a position at All Pure Cleaning—a decision reflective of her adaptability and determination to seize new opportunities. While Kati's aspirations as a tattoo artist remain close to her heart, she acknowledges the importance of timing and has resolved to revisit this passion when the moment is right.
In celebrating Kati's remarkable achievements, we extend our heartfelt congratulations and gratitude for allowing us to be a part of her journey. Her story is an inspiration for all those navigating the path to employment success through the TtW program.

Kati's success underscores the transformative impact of the TtW program in equipping young individuals with the skills, confidence, and support needed to thrive in today's competitive job market. As we celebrate her accomplishments, we remain committed to empowering more individuals like Kati to realize their full potential and achieve their dreams.

Congratulations On Starting Work

Uploaded: 08/03/2024
Congratulations to Tennessee, who through his incredible dedication and determination has just started work with Oaks Civil Construction after joining our Workforce Australia Transition to Work program late last year.

After receiving assistance from his Link Worker, Amira, to update his resume, Tennessee took the initiative to contact Oaks Civil Construction. Recognising his potential, Oaks Civil Construction was interested in hiring him but required that he first complete a Basic Worksite Traffic Management course and obtain his Traffic Control tickets.

With the support of Team Leader Ajeew, Amira was able to organise funding not only for these required courses but also for Tennessee to purchase work-appropriate clothing, equipping him with the right gear to dive into the world of traffic control with confidence.

Thank you, Tennessee, for believing in yourself and allowing us to be part of your success story. We are here to continue supporting you as you embark on this new adventure, and we can’t wait to see all the amazing things you will accomplish.